When most people hear the word skunk they may automatically wrinkle their nose and imagine that horrible smell they had to endure the last time the smell hit them. However, skunks are so much more than a critter with the ability to defend itself with a pungent smell.

Below you can learn some interesting facts about skunks as well as some information on what to do should you come face to face with one.

Different Species of Skunks Have Been Found

So far, 12 skunk species have been identified. All species of skunks inhabit North and Central America. The striped skunk is a very common species and the one most often seen in cartoons, movies,and in the form of stuffed animals.

Some of the other more common species include spotted skunks, which look like across between a cat and a zebra, the hooded skunk which has a tuft of white fur that surrounds its neck – which is what this skunk was named for – and the hog-nosed skunk, which got its name from its pig-like snout.

Skunks Live Significantly Longer in Captivity

While one may think a wild animal like a skunk would fair better in the wild, the opposite is true. In the wild, skunks have a lifespan that’s around three years. However, skunks living in captivity can live up to eight years.

Skunks Diet Changes With the Seasons

Skunks eat both plants and animals/insects, which makes them omnivorous. Their ability to thrive off both types off ood allows them to stay fully nourished during the different seasons, so they don’t have to store food ahead of time.

Along with eating insects, they also eat everything from worms to birds and moles. Skunks are also known to steal food out of trashcans.

Skunks Do Warn Before They Spray

Generally, a skunk’s stripes will sufficiently scare off most predators. However, should the stripes not do the job,a skunk will give some warning before they spray to defend themselves. This warning comes in the form of an interesting,and under different circumstances entertaining, display of moves like a dance.

A skunk does its best to preserve its spray since they sometimes need up to a week or more to produce more. During their warning display,a skunk may stomp their paws, lift and fluff their tail, run in the direction of the predator, squeal,and hiss.

If this creative display doesn’t do the trick and the skunk still feels threatened, then some will first do a handstand as one final warning, then they will spray.

Although the spray that’s released from a skunk’s glands does not cause any real damage to the predator, the strong odor and surprisingly strong blast of spray will generally do the trick and cause a predator to flee.

Skunks Are Resistant to Snake Venom

The venom of a poisonous snake has little effect on a skunk. In fact, since snakes are one of the meals on a skunk’s menu. So a snake that gets close enough to bite a skunk may end up becoming the skunk’s next meal.

Skunks May Find Places They Like in Your Yard

Skunks tend to nest in abandoned burrows of other animals. However, they also like hollow logs, woodpiles, dry drainpipes,abandoned sheds, and numerous other areas you may have on your property.

If you come across a skunk living on your property, contact Environmental Services Pest Control, LLC. We are more than happy to answer all of your questions and to come help you out with your skunk issues as well as any other pest issues you may have.